Nutmeg comes from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree. The spice flavors many dishes, both savory and sweet, in cuisine across the globe.
It is sold either ground or in whole seeds. Both nutmeg butter and nutmeg essential oil are also widely available. In addition to being delicious, nutmeg offers many health benefits. However, you should never consume more than is ordinarily used in food preparation. In large quantities, nutmeg can induce hallucinations. It is highly toxic and can even be fatal.

Black cumin seeds, also known as ‘the blessed seeds’ were discovered in Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen’s tomb. Though mentioned in scriptures, black cumin seeds weren’t researched till about 40 years ago. When more was read about these seeds, it was discovered that ancient Greeks used the seeds for toothaches and headaches. These seeds are quite underrated in the market, but they’re one of the best natural remedies for auto-immune diseases. They are also outstandingly useful in helping with asthma and allergies.
Basil Seeds
Basil(Tukmaria) also known as French Basil or Sweet Basil or Tulsi is an erect glabrous herb, 30-90 cm high is indigenous to India. The leaves of basil(Tukmaria) have numerous oil glands with aromatic volatile oil. The herb bears cluster of small white lipped flowers in racemes. The freshly picked bright green leaves turns brownish green when dried and become brittle and curled. The major types are American Basil, French Basil, Egyptian Basil and Indian Basil.It is indigenous to the lower hills of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh and is cultivated throughout India. It is also cultivated in Southern France, Egypt, Belgium, Hungary, and other Mediterranean countries and also in USA.

Cardamom is an herb that is often used as a spice in foods. The seeds and the oil from the seeds are sometimes used to make medicine. Cardamom contains chemicals that might kill some bacteria, reduce swelling, and help the immune system.
Cardamom is used for diabetes, high cholesterol, build up of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD), and other purposes, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use.
Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands, or Moluccas, in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice, flavoring, or fragrance in consumer products, such as toothpaste, soaps, or cosmetics

Senna Leaves & senna Pods
Senna includes herbs, shrubs, and trees. The leaves are pinnate with opposite paired leaflets. The inflorescences are racemes at the ends of branches or emerging from the leaf axils. The flower has five sepals and five usually yellow petals. There are ten straight stamens. The stamens may be different sizes, and some are staminodes. The fruit is a legume pod containing several seeds.
Senna is a herb that is generally used for its laxative properties. Senna formerly, plants in Cassia (genus) is also known as wild senna, cassia marilandica, or locust plant. It works by interacting with the bacteria in the digestive track, resulting in intestinal contractions. These contractions are caused by the anthraquinone that is contained in senna. These dimeric glycosides anthraquinone derivatives are known as Senna glycosides or sennosides. They are named after their abundant occurrence in these plants of the genus Senna. The main forms of these glycosides are often referred to by: A, B, C & D. Both leaves and pods of the senna plant are used for their laxative effects. The pods are less potent than the leaves.
Bay Leaves
The bay leaf is an aromatic leaf commonly used as a herb in cooking. It can be used whole, either dried or fresh, in which case it is removed from the dish before consumption, or less commonly used in ground form. The flavor that a bay leaf imparts to a dish has not been universally agreed upon, but many agree it is a subtle addition.
Bay leaves come from various plants and are used for their distinctive flavor and fragrance. The most common source is the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis).